David Oates from the Histon and Impington Archaelogy Group is giving a talk to the Milton Local History Group on “Chivers’ Jam Factory at Histon, 1873-1960” on Tuesday, 5th December, 7:30 pm at Milton Community Centre. £2 on the door to cover room hire and refreshments. All welcome.
December Parish Council meeting
The Parish Council meets tonight (Monday 4th December) 7.30pm in the bowls pavilion. The agenda is available at https://www.miltonvillage.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/Dec-17-long0001.pdf. Items for discussion include the consideration of making an application to Historic England to list land North of Fen Road, and an enquiry to acquire Parish Council land, at which point the public will be ejected […]
Santa visits Milton
Santa will be taking his annual trip around the village this Saturday and Sunday. Accompanied by his friends from Cambridge Search and Rescue, Father Christmas will be handing out sweets to children whilst his friends shake the collection tins. One of Santa’s little helpers said: “On the Saturday we will make our way from Tesco […]
Create for Christmas
On Monday 4th December the popular “Create for Christmas” event returns to All Saints’ Church Hall. From 7.30-9.30pm you can enjoy mulled wine, seasonal treats and conversation whilst creating your own Christmas crafts (no experience needed). It’s £7 to cover costs with accompanied young people aged 11+ just £3 and there will be a chance […]
Santa to visit Milton
Santa is set to join his friends at Cambridgeshire Search and Rescue again, touring Milton on Saturday 2nd & Sunday 3rd December to meet all the children and adults. More details will be given closer to the time, but usually one half of the village is visited on Saturday and the other half on Sunday.
EACH carol service
Milton Carol Service in aid of East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices (EACH) at All Saints Church, Milton. Tuesday 19th December 2017 at 7pm. Join us for a festive evening of carols and songs in aid of EACH. Tea, coffee and mince pies will be served for a donation, and a retiring bucket collection will take place. […]
A14/A10 roundabout closure
We have received notice that the Milton Road roundabout will be closed for crack sealing repairs from 25th November until 27th November. Currently we don’t have any more information about timings or diversion routes.
Armistice Day in Milton
Armistice Day is this Saturday (11th November). At 11am at the War memorial on Coles Road there will be a small remembrance event. All are welcome. Please arrive a few minutes early.
Join the Christmas Choir
You are invited to join the choir for the Advent Carol Service and Carols by Candlelight. The Advent Carol service is 6.30pm on December 3rd and Carols by Candlelight is 7.45pm on December 20th. Rehearsals will be Tuesdays 7.30pm-9.00pm starting 7th November at 1 Knights Way. For more details email Nat Johnson on nat@cantab.net.