Milton company AG First Aid Training has announced a free access workshop where you can learn how to use a defibrillator. On Wednesday 27th March between 4.30pm and 7pm you can drop in to the North Lodge Pavilion where in partnership with AC Event Services AG First Aid Training will be demonstrating how to use […]
Food bank collection
The Waterbeach and Milton Labour group will be holding a collection for local food banks on Saturday 2nd March. Volunteers will be outside the One Stop on the High Street from 11am until 1pm . All donations welcome.
Consultation on the A10 cycle bridge
You may have seen in the Village View that the Parish Council are seeking your views on whether cyclists should be required to dismount when crossing the footbridge over the A10 that connects Butt Lane and the Park and Ride site. Currently the sign “cyclists dismount” is advisory. This means that cyclists may cycle across […]
Parish Litter Pick
The Milton Environment Group will be holding their regular litter pick (held on the last Sunday of half term) on 24th Feb from 2pm. Meet at the Parish Council Office on Coles Road.
February Parish Council Planning Committee
The Planning Committee of your Parish Council meets in the Bowls Pavilion on Monday 18th February 2019 at 7:30pm. Members of the Public and the Press are cordially invited to attend. The agenda is available at Items of interest include an application by the Milton Landfill Site on Butt Lane to extend the time […]
Invitation to try Crossfit
CrossFit Stags & Does (on the Norman Industrial Estate opposite Tesco) are offering a free 1-2-1 intro session where you can learn all about CrossFit and functional fitness and find out about their Coach for Life system. You can discuss your fitness goals with a coach and have a chance to do a taster workout. […]
WeightWatchers open house
WeightWatchers invite you to try one of their workshops as part of their Open House week. The Milton workshop will be hosted by Linda Mills and held at 9.30am on Friday 15th February in Milton Community Centre. You will be able to experience the Freestyle programme and see all the latest offerings in action.
Scrabble club
Milton Scrabble Club meets tomorrow (Friday 8th) at 7:30pm in All Saints Church Hall. Whether you are a beginner or an expert, you’d be welcome to join in. Telephone Kathy English for more information 01223 440781
Work for the Parish Council
Milton Parish Council is looking for someone to work in the Parish Office who is organised and has admin or bookkeeping skills or both. This would initially be on an ad hoc basis of around five hours a week and would be paid. If you are interested in this position, please write to them or […]
Consultation on the bridge over the A10
Milton Parish Council is considering whether cyclists should have to dismount when using the A10 foot bridge (Butt Lane). Currently the sign at the bottom of the bridge is only an advisory sign suggesting cyclists should dismount. The Parish Council has discussed issues raised around cyclists and walkers using the bridge and have decided to […]