What’s Open (new in bold)? Milton Country Park is open – but will re-close if too heavily used. Dog poo bins are out of use. Takeaways are open Tesco is open from 6am-10pm Monday-Saturday, 10am-4pm on Sundays Tesco: Mon, Weds & Fri 9-10am is priority time for more vulnerable and elderly customers. Please respect this. […]
Cambridge Foodbank Volunteers
Due to the current situation with COVID-19 many of our retired and older volunteers need to self-isolate, leaving us with a potential crisis for helping those in need. Can you help? We need people in all areas (distribution, warehouse & driving) who are able to able to volunteer a few hours a week and who […]
Milton Recycling Centre
All Household Recycling Centres across Cambridgeshire are closed until further notice. The decision to close sites has not been taken lightly but it is essential to encourage residents to stay at home and limit the spread of Coronavirus. Please hold onto any items until the recycling centre re-opens. Please do not put DIY waste, garden waste, […]
Country Park Open
The country park is now open for those wishing to take their daily exercise. Please adopt social distancing of 2m from others at all times and respect other users. The car park and toilets remain closed. Only families or members of the same household together. Meetings of no more than two people. .Dogs on lead […]
Milton Surgery Announcement
Dear Patients We hope you are all keeping yourselves safe as we continue along this difficult path. Points to note: If you are a dispensing patient please call the surgery when you are planning to collect your medication and we will arrange your collection OUTSIDE the surgery. Our staff are extremely busy with prescription requests […]
Support the Country Park
Milton Country Park is managed by Cambridge Sport Lakes Trust, a charity which receives no regular external funding and its survival is reliant on the support of its users and the activity and events programme it provides. Due to the global COVID-19 pandemic, Milton Country Park has now lost all income required to keep it open […]
Food Waste Pilot Scheme
The County Council have confirmed that the food waste pilot in The Rowans and The Sycamores is currently still running, despite the lack of green bin collection. See https://www.scambs.gov.uk/foodwastetrial
Park and Ride suspended
All Park and Ride buses including ones from Milton are suspended from Thursday 2nd April with the exception of some from Babraham Road. https://www.stagecoachbus.com/promos-and-offers/east/east-covid19-service-changes.
Barrels of ale for sale
The White Horse has decided not to offer takeaway food, but does have some unopened barrels of ale with a good use by date for sale for a very small donation. They can lend equipment for opening. Call Ava on 01223 860327.
Change to Post Office opening hours
The Milton Post Office on Coles Road is changing its opening hours to be 9am to 2pm Monday to Friday.