If you want to make food bank donations but aren’t going into Tesco you can make donation at the drop off point at West Manor, 57, Butt Lane on Monday and Wednesday 1pm to 5pm.
Milton Park and Ride to stay closed
Stagecoach has announced the reopening of all the park and ride sites this weekend except Milton. More information here.
Godden Auto Services to reopen
Godden Auto Services will be open again on Monday 1st June. Government guidelines will be followed and there will be a skeleton staff. Opening times are 8.30am to 5.30pm, closed 1pm – 2pm for lunch, Monday to Friday. To book your car in please call 01223 420380, email godden.bookings@gmail.com or visit www.goddenautoservices.co.uk.
Sunflower Competition
Mark Cowan has bought some giant sunflower seeds, enough for around 70 households to have 5 seeds each and enter into a little light-hearted family-friendly rivalry for free. You can find details at https://miltonsunflower.wordpress.com/ Contact him via the website and he’ll deliver you some seeds this week. Strictly first come first served.
Milton Country Park gets grant from South Cambs
Milton Country Park is being provided with up to £50,000 by the District Council, to ensure residents can keep enjoying the green spaces and paths. The grant will include a £25,000 payment now and the option of the second half from September. It is being made available to the Cambridge Sport Lakes Trust charity, which […]
Grounds Cycle Centre reopens
Grounds Cycle Centre Milton Park opened in February this year and has reopened again for servicing and sales. They operate from inside the Grounds Café premises, at Milton Country Park, and are accessible via a rear entrance without having to come through the café.
Green bins this week
This week’s green bin collection is a “best effort”, that is the crews will do their best to get around to your street but collection is not guaranteed. Please put your bins out as usual.
No Maize Maze in 2020
Farmer Rob has sadly announced that there will be no Maize Maze or accompanying activities in 2020 due to Coronavirus and safety concerns. It is hoped that there will be a Maize Maze again in 2021.
Autumn Festival cancelled
Milton Country Park have had to cancel the 2020 Autumn Festival due to Covid-19. Please support the park and help make up the loss of income by donating at https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/support-milton-country-park.
Post Office opening hours extended
The Post Office opening hours have returned to 9am-5.30pm Monday to Friday.