Tag: web site

Your News

Over the next few weeks a new group of people will be taking over the running of the village web site which includes Milton News and they will need your help in two ways. Firstly the ” Your News” page on the site explains how to get your news included and one of the key […]

New Historic Maps

We have just updated our A History of Milton in Maps to add two new maps: a 6″ to 1 mile map from the turn of the last century and a 1:25K map from just post World War 2. Both of these are based on screen shots of the rather excellent National Library of Scotland […]

Bus Time Displays

The bus stop sign opposite Osteria/Waggon & Horses seems to have lost its connection to ground control as for few days now it’s been showing only timetable times not live bus times and the “time now” is several minutes out. We don’t know if the others are affected or if it’s just this one but […]

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