Cash up for Grabs in Paper Recycling Competition

Just in case you missed it a reminder that six lucky South Cambridgeshire residents are set to scoop £100 each by recycling paper in their paper only caddy this winter. The competition is being run in South Cambs Magazine, the quarterly residents’ magazine from South Cambridgeshire District Council, as an incentive to get people into […]

Parish Council

Your parish council meets on Monday night (5/11) at the Bowls Pavilion starting at 7pm. The full agenda can be found on their web site. The meeting is starting half an hour early so that Bob Menzies, Head of Major Infrastructure Delivery, Strategy and Development, and Keith Miles, Planning Policy Manager, , can give an […]

News of the Rowing Lake

Mick Woolhouse of attended the September meeting of Milton Parish Council and gave an update on progress for the Cambridge Sports Lakes project which proposes to create a long competitive rowing lake on land between Milton and the railway line, starting from and, eventually, extended up as far as Car Dyke Road at Waterbeach. (If […]

Local Plan Consultation

is preparing an updated Local Plan for the whole of South Cambridgeshire which will set out the vision for the district over the years to 2031. The Issues and Options Consultation will run from 12th July to 28th September and is the start of the process. All residents of South Cambridgeshire are invited to participate […]

Next Bin Collection

Just in time for the Jubilee bank holiday we have managed to restore the facility to both Milton News and the village web site which shows you the date and type of the next bin collection on the left hand side of the many web pages and at the bottom of Milton News emails. We’re […]

Over 50s on their marks for Forever Active Sports Day

Older residents across South Cambridgeshire are under starter’s orders to secure their place in the district’s first Forever Active Sports Day, aimed to introduce the over 50s, and those returning to a more active lifestyle, to new activities which is being held in Milton next Wednesday (23/5). With only 100 days to go to the […]

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