Tag: parish council

Parish Council

Your parish council meets on Monday night (5/11) at the Bowls Pavilion starting at 7pm. The full agenda can be found on their web site. The meeting is starting half an hour early so that Bob Menzies, Head of Major Infrastructure Delivery, Strategy and Development, and Keith Miles, Planning Policy Manager, , can give an […]

Planning Committee

Your parish council Planning Committee meets at 7pm on Monday (22/10) in the Bowls Pavilion. The parish council web site has the agenda online online. Application to build a dwelling on land at the rear of 14 Fen Road has been refused by . An appeal has now been lodged so the committee is to […]

News of the Rowing Lake

Mick Woolhouse of attended the September meeting of Milton Parish Council and gave an update on progress for the Cambridge Sports Lakes project which proposes to create a long competitive rowing lake on land between Milton and the railway line, starting from and, eventually, extended up as far as Car Dyke Road at Waterbeach. (If […]

Parish Council

Your parish council meets on Monday night (4/9) at the Bowls Pavilion starting at 7:30pm. The full agenda can be found on their web site. The following applications are being considered relating to properties in Milton village: 286 The Rowans, Milton – Change of use of ground floor of building from toning studio (Use Class […]

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