Tag: Milton GP

Reminder: Milton Surgery closed for the afternoon on Wednesday 6th October

Milton Surgery will be having a half day closure for practice staff development on the 6th October 2021 from 12 noon until 6pm. If any of their patients require medical attention during this time, please contact 111 or 999 in a medical emergency. They will be open as normal from 8am on Thursday 7/10/21.

New service added to NHS 111 for out-of-hours end-of-life palliative care

Milton resident Kay White, who represents Milton Surgery’s Patient Participation Group at the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Clinical Commissioning Group, would like to share some information about a new service from the NHS that provides out of hours end-of-life palliative care via NHS 111 option 3, which is now live: “Callers to NHS 111 option 3 […]

NHS support and services available over the Easter Bank Holiday weekend

Milton Surgery have asked us to share the following information for if you require medical support over the upcoming bank holiday: “If you need urgent medical support, please think 111 first who will direct you to right service for your illness or injury. If you need urgent care, NHS 111 can book you in to […]

Milton Surgery thank volunteers for the COVID-19 vaccination clinics

Milton Surgery have asked us to share the following message: “We are extremely pleased and proud to have been a part of the covid vaccination clinics for the Cambridge Northern Villages Primary Care Network. The last 2 weeks has been a great achievement and we have an amazing team of volunteers who have been giving […]

Covid vaccination starts at GP; priority groups being contacted

Milton surgery has begun their Covid-19 vaccination programme and are in the process of contacting patients in the priority groups first, including the over 80s and social care workers. Practice manager Sophie Ladds urged residents who have not been invited yet to be patient and not contact the surgery about the vaccine. “When it is […]

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