Panorama centred on Arthur Conder’s Grocers Shop

Panorama centred on Arthur Conder's Grocers Shop

This panorama of the street scene around Arthur Conder's shop was taken by his son John. You really need to click on the image and view it full size to appreciate it.

John's brother, also called Arthur, and his dog appear twice in the picture and the dog appears alone a third time.

Our date for this photograph comes from information from Jonathan Conder, Arthur junior's grandson. He writes:

“My father Graham was born in 1937.
By the time my father was born Arthur junior had moved to Lovell Road and by the look of the bike with the child's seat on it, they have probably cycled from Lovell Road to see the parent/grandparents in Milton.

Judging from the panoramic picture, I think my grandfather is aged in his thirties and the boy is about four or five. [...]

I've checked with my father and it's him in the landscape picture, which means the photo dates to the early years of the war - 1940 or 1941. In fact, if you look closely you can see some of the windows in the houses have taped windows for bomb blast.

This photo has been built from two scans from a photo album, stitched together, and manipulated to clean up the joins a little, as well as adjusting the levels. We have the original scans available if you want access to them.

Taken by Arthur Conder's son John Conder in about 1940.