Category: Uncategorized

March Parish Council

The Parish Council meets tonight at 7.30pm in the Bowls Pavilion. Members of the public are invited and will be given a chance to speak at the start of the meeting. Items under discussion include the defibrillator and related training, a community fridge, finalising funding for the Coles Road playpark and a new sculpture at […]

Christmas Eve family fun day at the College of West Anglia

The College of West Anglia are holding their annual Christmas Eve Family Fun Day. Running from 10am until 2pm on 24th December at Woodside Farm, Landbeach Road, Milton CB24 6DG. 24th December you can: Meet Santa in his tractor Christmas crafts and activities See the animal nativity display Feed Farmer Tom’s animals Hot drinks available […]

Guides need volunteers

Milton Guides are looking for new volunteer leaders (aged over 18) or young leaders (aged 14-17). We offer training and support – you need enthusiasm, and a willingness to spend time with girls aged 10-14. All sorts of experience can be useful – having been a Guide or a leader before, or being a parent, […]

Alpha course

Alpha: An introduction to the Christian Faith An opportunity to explore the basis of the Christian faith in an informal setting.  If you have questions about life, the universe, God and everything, then you would be very welcome! Starting on Monday 4th September at 7.45pm at 6 Hall End, Milton,  with Coffee and Cake, and a […]

Village View deadline

The next Village View deadline is the 1st September, for the autumn issue (covers late September to end of November). Please do send in photos/write-ups of any recent events, as well as any notices for the next few months- including half term and early Christmas events! Email to Notices suitable for Milton News should […]

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