Author: Paul Oldham

Jolly Brewers

The Jolly Brewers has put an application in to to amend their hours for licensable activities including the sale of alcohol for consumption on or off the premises, live music, recorded music and provision of dance facilities (a dancefloor) as follows: 08:00 to midnight – Monday to Thursday, and Sunday 08:00 to 02:00 – Friday […]

Parish Council Staffing and Maintenance Committees

Your parish council Staffing and Maintenance Committees meet on Monday night (26/3) at the Bowls Pavilion starting at 7pm with Staffing followed by Maintenance at 7:30pm. The full staffing and maintenance agendas can be found on their web site. Note that as the staffing committee’s main business is staff appraisals and a report of meeting […]

Parish Council

Your parish council meets on Monday night (5/3) at the Bowls Pavilion starting at 7:30pm. The full agenda can be found on their web site. The following applications are being considered relating to properties in Milton village: – 11 Shirley Close – extensions Other items on the agenda include adopting the Emergency Plan, the new […]

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