Author: Paul Oldham

Over 50s on their marks for Forever Active Sports Day

Older residents across South Cambridgeshire are under starter’s orders to secure their place in the district’s first Forever Active Sports Day, aimed to introduce the over 50s, and those returning to a more active lifestyle, to new activities which is being held in Milton next Wednesday (23/5). With only 100 days to go to the […]

Police Neighbourhood Panel

The next meeting of the Histon Ward Neighbourhood Panel is this Tuesday (10/4) at Cottenham Village College, High Street, Cottenham, CB24 8UA where they be reporting on the results of their work over the last three months where their priorities, as agreed at the last meeting, were: Look at ASB in Coolridge Gardens Cottenham. Speeding […]

53 Cambridge Road

The parish council has added an extra item to the agenda for Monday night under the heading of planning. This relates to the application to build a new property in the back garden of 53 Cambridge Road with access being onto the road into Barnabas Court. The parish clerk has forwarded a copy of the […]

Parish Council

Your parish council meets on Monday night (2/4) at the Bowls Pavilion starting at 7:30pm. The full agenda can be found on their web site. The following applications are being considered relating to properties in Milton village: – 33 Froment Way change of use from annexe to separate dwelling – 27 Cambridge Road – rear […]

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