Author: Paul Oldham

Milton Hall Heritage Statement 2013

THE WORKSPACE CONSULTANTS LLP  1  HERITAGE STATEMENT: For MILTON HALL, MILTON, CAMBRIDGESHIRE Supporting documentation for Listed Building application January 2013.  THE WORKSPACE CONSULTANTS LLP  2  Kingston Barns Bourn Road Kingston CB23 2NP Tel: 01223 696111 CONTENTS: 1.0 Introduction 2.0 History 3.0 Analysis 4.0 Bibliography THE WORKSPACE CONSULTANTS LLP  3 […]

Planning Committee

Your parish council Planning Committee meets at 7:30pm on Monday (18/3) in the Bowls Pavilion. The parish council web site has the agenda online online. The following new applications are being considered relating to properties in Milton village: – 3 Woodman Way, Milton – Proposed single storey side extension and conversion of garage to habitable […]

Council Tax 2013-14

have just announced the way council tax looks for the next financial year. The following table shows a break down of the charge for a band D property for each of the local authorities involved. For Milton there is an additional element for the parish council for which SCDC didn’t give a figure. This was […]

Scouts Mammoth Jumble Sale

It’s that time again and the scouts are holding another of their jumble sales this Saturday (16/3) at 2:30pm at the Community Centre. Admission 30p. They’re collecting jumble from houses on Friday night so if you’ve had one of their leaflets don’t forget to put your jumble out with the leaflet attached before 6:30pm. Alternatively […]

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