Author: Paul Oldham

Remembrance Day

You are invited to the War Memorial on Coles Road on Monday (11/11) at 10:50am. There will be two minutes silence at 11am after which the words of “For The Fallen” will be spoken by Normandy veteran Ron Driver and a wreath will be laid by the chairman of the parish council.

Wildlife Watch

If your children are interested in the changes happening in nature as summer ends and finding out more about hootin’ tootin’ owls, pond dipping and butterflies then don’t miss the monthly meetings of the Cambridge Wildlife Watch, the junior branch of the Wildlife Trusts, at . The sessions which take place on the first Saturday […]

Country Park Closed

Due to the forecast of storm force winds overnight the Rangers at are putting into effect the ‘closure policy’ from 5pm tonight and it will remain closed to all visitors until an assessment is made tomorrow morning. The Park has a lot of trees and the Rangers are expecting some damage, which may take sometime […]

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