Author: Paul Oldham

Milton on Facebook

We’ve just add a new Milton on Facebook page to the village web site (with a permanent link from the left hand side of the home page) listing all the Facebook groups and pages we’re aware of which are related to Milton including the new Milton Runners group, a social running group for all levels […]

School Crossing Patrols Survive Cuts

At a Council meeting on Tuesday, Members voted to remove School Crossing Patrol from the budget savings proposals. Members of the Highways and Community Infrastructure Committee voted to remove School Crossing Patrols from the budget savings proposals to be recommended to General Purposes Committee. Councillors felt, after feedback from schools and community groups, it was […]

“Boy Racers”

There have been various reports this week on both Twitter and the Milton Community Facebook group about “boy racers” mis-using Milton Park and Ride site late at night and also driving at speed through the village. The police are asking that if you see or hear this happening you dial 101 and report it. Better […]

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