Author: Paul Oldham

Lorraine Whyley

Lorraine Whyley, née Townsend and great, great granddaughter of William Easy and Sarah Ann Coulson (the last three of which are, collectively, family names very familiar in the village) came to Milton on 20th November and found three graves of members of her family. She would like to thank all the ladies of the under […]

Police Appeal after Several Horses Killed

Officers from British Transport Police (BTP) are appealing for information and witnesses to come forward after a number of horses were struck by trains at Fen Road level crossing, Milton. The incident happened just before 5:15pm on Wednesday, 19th November. BTP officers attended the scene and discovered that trains travelling in both directions had struck […]

Horses on Track

A train has hit horses on the track between Cambridge and Waterbeach. Some details on Cambridge News or if you follow #waterbeach on Twitter. This is the reason there’s been all the emergency vehicles going down Fen Road with blues and twos. We’re been asked not to go down Fen Road and to keep the […]

Looking for Village Heroes

Council bosses are calling on people to nominate their village heroes who deserve recognition for ‘amazing’ voluntary work they carry out in communities. Nominations for ‘s fifth annual Community awards are now open with five gongs up for grabs. The awards celebrate the achievements of local people who have made a significant and voluntary contribution […]

The Midas Collective

Next Saturday (22/11) at 7:30pm All Saints’ Night Live present The Midas Collective, a collective of musicians and creative types who write, record and perform new interpretations of Blues and Rock’n’Roll music plus comedy! Free entry. Collection for Ekisa Ministries, Uganda and Great Ormond St. Hospital. They also have a poster you can download.

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