Author: Paul Oldham

Friday Night Football

Manchester United FC are coming to Cambridge this Friday (23/1) to play Cambridge United FC at the Abbey Stadium at 7:55pm in the fourth round of the FA Cup. That’s probably going to make things “interesting” if you’re trying to get into Cambridge on Friday evening. Meanwhile here in the village the local pubs have […]

Milton Photographic Club

This month’s meeting of Milton Photographic Club is on Wednesday (21/1) at 7:45pm in the church hall. We will have an external speaker, Yvette Bessels, who will give a talk and demonstration on collodion wet plate photography. For more information on her work see As always with an external speaker, it would be nice […]

Unusual Trains over the Level Crossing

From this weekend until 1st February, Saturday night/Sunday morning East Coast and Great Central passenger services plus engineers’ trains to and from Whitemoor (March) will be diverted past Milton. This will bring some HSTs and class 180s through Milton and unknown freight workings (probably 66s on engineering trains). The Sunday morning ones might offer some […]

Workshops on Starting or Running a Business

The latest series of fully-funded business workshops and webinars from ‘s Business Support Service is launching in early February and places are available to book now. The half-day workshops and webinars have been designed to help those running or thinking of starting a business in South Cambridgeshire. They cover a range of subjects focusing on […]

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