Author: Paul Oldham

Lorries Parking

A villager has complained to our county councillor, Michael Williamson, about lorries parking overnight in The Rowans. Parking for lorries using the A14 is an issue which is due to be discussed at the County Council and any evidence of parking in Milton should be sent to Michael. His email address is

Parish Council

Council meets tonight. This is the council’s annual general meeting where the it appoints the chair and vice-chair for the coming year and the members of a host of committees and representatives on other bodies. The full agenda is available online. The only planning application being considered in the village is single storey side extension […]

Doctors’ Surgery

The issue of the future of doctors’ surgeries throughout the land is still ongoing. Despite health secretary Alan Johnson claiming to parliament that “There is no national policy for replacing traditional GP surgeries with health centres or, indeed, polyclinics […] we are not specifying polyclinics as any part of the exercise” subsequent pronoucements from other […]

SCDC on the Pong

A villager wrote to South Cambridgeshire District Council to complain about the smell from the sewage works and got a detailed reply which is reproduced below with their permission. Thank you for your recent email concerning the above matter. This Department has been made aware of the odour that has been emanating from the sewage […]

Steaming Past Milton

LNER A4 Class 4-6-2 no 60019 Bittern will be steaming past Milton at about 12:35 tomorrow (04/05) heading north and will pass the other way at about 19:30. Full timetable is online available online. Bittern is a streamline loco in the same class as our old friend the Union of South Africa, which we’ve seen […]

Bowls Open Day

Milton Bowls Club are holding an open day this Sunday (4/5) from 2-4pm at the bowls green on Coles Road Rec. If you’ve not played before then come and try your hand. The club will provide the balls, all you need to do is turn up in flat bottomed shoes or trainers. For more information […]

Farm College Open Day

The College of West Anglia are holding an open day on Saturday (17/5) from 10am to 2pm. Your chance to wander around and look at what they’re up to. Lots of things too look at including horses, ferrets, other small animals, sheep and pigs. This year they also claimed to be having “Family Fun, fun […]

Annual Parish Meeting

All parishes, whether or not they have a parish council hold a meeting once a year called the Annual Parish Meeting to discuss the affairs of the parish. It is an opportunity for the parish council to report on what it’s been up to during the year, for other village organisations make presentations, and for […]

Towpath News

Many villagers use the river towpath (the “Haling Way”) both for recreation and to get into the City. There’s been some issues on the towpath lately. There was a meeting organised last Friday for member of the public to meet the River Manager and the County Council Cycling Officer to discuss problems with the interaction […]

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