Author: Paul Oldham

Parish Council

Your parish council meets on Monday night. An exceptionally full and interesting agenda includes responding to two significant planning applications for the village, and the council’s response to the boundary review. The council will also be considering a series of proposals relating to land acquisition including pursuing the purchase of land in Milton, pursuing and […]

Land Opposite Tesco

Monday night’s parish council planning meeting recommended that council strongly object to any application for a hotel on this land on the basis that: the land is in Green Belt It’s an inappropriate building in our village The traffic issues are not well thought out Quality of Life Visual impact You can read the full […]

Sewage Works

The smell has been bad this week so I’ve been talking to South Cambridgeshire District Council environmental health department. This is what they had to say: The current position is that extensive works are currently taking place and a number of primary settlement tanks are offline. Following my previous response [example here], Anglian Water have […]

Fishing in the Park

Cambridge Sports Lakes Trust have entered into an agreement with Cambridge Fish Preservation and Angling Society Ltd (CFPAS) for them to manage the fishing rights at Milton Country Park. Anglers wishing to fish the lakes will need to buy a CFPAS season or day ticket. More information on the Friends of Milton Country Park web […]

Planning Committee

Your Parish Council’s planning committee meets on Monday night at 7pm at the council office (note the time and location). This is an important meeting as it will be considering the application to re-develop the old electricity board site at the north end of the village as a retirement community which will include 121 new […]

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