Author: Paul Oldham

Door to Door Salesmen

We have had reports of a man going round selling stuff for school children door to door to “help the school”. Unsurprisingly no one is answering the phone at Milton Primary School but it seems unlikely that this is true. Door to door sellers require a “tinker’s licence” which is issued by the police. If […]

Country Park Café

Cambridge Sport Lakes Trust have appointed AE Catering Ltd to take over the running of the café at the Visitor Centre in Milton Country Park. They generally trade under the Café Diem brand name and that’s the name they are using at the Park, offering Fair Trade coffee and a variety of other hot and […]

Tesco’s Passage

At this month’s parish council meeting a report was circulated detailing the problems of litter, graffiti intimidation by groups of youth loitering in the passageway down the side of the store and it was suggested that the council might ask Tesco to consider blocking off the walk way with a new path from The Rowans. […]

PCSO Scott Evans

Our PCSO, the third in the position since the role was introduced, has now left to train as a police officer. No replacement has been appointed yet which is unfortunate timing given we’re now into the school holidays when previously PCSOs have been vital for maintaining a police presence in the village.

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