Author: Paul Oldham

Charity Tribute Dance

A Charity Tribute Dance to Maggie is being held at the Community Centre on Saturday 11th October from 7:45pm to 11:45pm in aid of the Arthur Rank Hospice Charity. It will feature the band the 6T’s who play “swinging sounds from the sixties”. Tickets are £10 (in advance only and price includes raffle and nibbles) […]

Crime Wave

As you will have seen if you read the milton-chat list we seem to be having a bit of a crime wave in Milton at the moment with reports of an unlocked car being ransacked on Humphries Way last weekend and house windows being broken on Fen Road (one last Tuesday night, two last night). […]

Mereham Proposal Rejected

The Government announced yesterday that it had rejected plans by Australian development company Multiplex to create the town of Mereham, a 5,000 home “sustainable community” just off the A10 between Stretham and Wilburton. The plans have now been rejected at every level of the planning process. This is good news for Milton as Multiplex’s plans […]

Parish Council

Your parish council meets on Monday night after a two month break. There’s a full agenda which is available online (Adobe/PDF, 219KB) along with the supporting documents. Although there are a lot of planning applications on the agenda most either don’t relate to the village or have already been decided under delegated powers. That leaves […]

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