Author: Paul Oldham

Milton Summer Fayre

In glorious weather Milton Summer Fayre took place on Coles Road Recreation ground on Saturday with a wide range of stalls, both village charities and commercial, along with lots of rides and other things to do. If you missed it we have lots of photos online here. Queueing for an ice cream in the sun […]

The Revd Julia Chamberlin

Last weekend (4-5th July) nine people were ordained priest and ten ordained deacon at special services in Ely Cathedral. Families and friends joined together with others to fill the cathedral as they shared in the sacrament and celebration of those newly ordained. Among those ordained was Julia Chamberlin so the Chamberlin household now has two […]

Milton Summer Fayre

Milton Summer Fayre is on this Saturday, (11/7) from 1:30pm at Milton Community Centre on Coles Road. There are new organizers this year… so if you think you know Milton Fayre – come along and be prepared to be surprised! The poster for the event is online here. ** FREE entry, lots of stalls, rides, […]

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