Author: Paul Oldham


I occasionally mention here the ecops.milton list. E-cops is a service run by the local police that lets them keep in touch with the community. They’ve just got a new sergeant and he really seems to have grasped the potential of their mailing list judging by the latest mailing, which details what his team got […]

Parish Council

Your parish council meets on Monday starting at 7pm as they have an unusually long agenda. The meeting will begin with a presentation from a representative of the Highways Agency about the widening of the A14 and specifically the implications for Milton. Among the items they are considering after that are: A planning application for […]

Gardening Volunteers Needed

Cambridge Mencap, whose Edmund Close sheltered housing is in the heart of Milton, is seeking green fingered volunteers to support adults with learning disabilities. Their Gardening Project provides its five adult members with the chance to enjoy the outdoors, develop their gardening skills, and meet new people. They need volunteers to support the group with […]

Festival of Dance

This year Impington Village College have been supporting a local campaign called Plug into Dance which is all about getting more people of all ages and abilities dancing for health reasons as well as because it’s creative, social and fun. The campaign is to culminate in a festival of dance across the Cottenham and Impington […]

A14 Widening Exhibition

The Highways Agency is planning the widen the A14 past Milton to three lanes each way and you are invited to attend a Public Information Exhibition to view the detailed plans they have developed for the proposed A14 Ellington to Fen Ditton Improvement. They will be holding this at Girton College Conferences, Huntingdon Road, Cambridge, […]

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