Author: Paul Oldham

Climate Change Dinner

Hazel Smith, the leader of the Parish Plan Environmental Group, has received an invitation to a Climate Change dinner in Foxton and would like to know if any Milton residents are interested in attending. The speaker is David MacKay, who spoke at the Science Festival on the same topic and has written a book entitled […]

Report of P&R Meeting

Michael Williamson, our county councillor reported to parish council on the meeting he and others had with officers from the county council about the park and ride site. He writes: We had a very useful meeting on February 20th. Alistair Frost and Campbell Ross-Bain were there from the County Council and we had, besides myself, […]

Parish Council News

Tonight’s planning committee meeting has been cancelled. You will remember that the last full council considered the application for a wind turbine at Tesco. They recommended refusal saying: In a prominent position adjacent to a busy roundabout and will be a distraction to motorists using the highway and the busy entrance to the store. Our […]

Discover Cambridgeshire’s Archeological Treasures

County Council archaeologist Quinton Carroll, will be at Landbeach this Saturday (14/3), to give people and local societies a unique picture of Cambridgeshire’s history. He will be conducting a guided tour of the County Archaeology Store which contains thousands of objects and artefacts which have been discovered over the past 20 years during numerous archaeological […]

Scouts Jumble Sale

Despite the opposition during the last week from a number of other charity collections the scouts had a good collection on Friday evening resulting in sales exceeding £850.00 at the jumble sale on Saturday. Rob Farrington asks me to thank to everybody who helped in any way and to give his sincere apologies to residents […]

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