Author: Paul Oldham

Consultation on Non-Emergency Patient Transport Services (NEPTS

Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Clinical Commissioning Group (CPCCG) has launched a consultation for a future model of their Non-Emergency Patient Transport Services. Local residents are invited to give feedback on their aim to provide a single service under one contract. Currently Non-Emergency Patient Transport Services in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough are delivered by many providers, on different […]

White Horse Beer Festival

News from the White Horse: The White Horse, Milton pub/restaurant will be holding a Beer/Cider Festival from this Wednesday (9/9) right through to Sunday evening (13/9). It’s our ninth year. Eighteen cask condition ales and plenty of different real ciders to choose from. Entrance is free. Kitchen will be open, usual hours, with our menu […]

Tea and Tissues

Do you have a child starting school this September? Join other parents for a cup of tea or coffee on Monday (7/9). Refreshments served 9am-3pm in All Saints’ Church Hall, CB24 6AB. Grab a quick drink on your way to work or stay as long or as short a time as you wish. Meet other […]

Patchwork Club

A new patchwork club is being launched in the village next month. Meeting at this friendly group will let you exchange ideas and techniques. Cost £3.50 per session to cover the cost of the hall. Meetings for the rest of 2015 will be on: Monday, 7th September 13:30-15:30 Saturday, 17th October 09:30-11:30 Monday, 2nd November […]

Is This Your Bike?

A Ridgeback Velocity bike is good condition has been locked to a lamp post outside Milton Post Office/Postino Coffee in Coles Road for about two weeks now with a rather insecure cable combination lock. This isn’t a cheap bike – they retail at about £500 – and the owners of Postino Coffee are getting concerned […]

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