Author: Paul Oldham

Police Surgery

A police surgery will be held in the Bowls Pavilion on Wednesday (24/6) from 3-7pm. PCSO Lee Paige will be on hand to discuss any concerns you may have. He would particularly like to speak with anyone interested in the new Neighbourhood Watch scheme for Milton.

Carton Recycling

There are now two carton re-cycling banks located at Tesco so you can now re-cycle any foil or wax lined cardboard cartons – e.g. fruit juice cartons, boxes of soup, milk etc of the sort made by Tetra Pak and others. Wash them out and flatten them by lifting the triangles on the sides (if […]

Milton Country Park – The Environment Event

This Sunday (14/6) from 11am to 4pm the Park are holding their “Environment Event”, one of a series of keynote events this summer. With a free programme of family activities including pond dipping, making Bug Hotels, bird spotting and den building. Plus inspiration, help & advice on sustainable living with ‘Think Global, Buy Local’, stalls […]

European Election Result

In our East of England constituency the results in party terms remains as before with three Conservatives, two UKIP, one Lib Dem and one Labour party candidate being elected. There have been some changes in names however including Vicky Ford who some of you will remember as the SCDC cabinet member responsible for the Country […]

Michael Williamson re-elected

In the county council elections Michael Williamson has been re-elected as our county councillor, although with a reduced majority. The results were: Michael Williamson (LDem) 52.28% 1,618 Peter Johnson (Con) 42.81% 1,325 Godson Lawal (Lab) 4.91% 152 The new council is pretty much exactly as before: 42 Conservatives and 23 Liberal Democrats. The only minor […]

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