Author: Paul Oldham

Gypsy and Traveller site roadshow continues

SCDC have added yet more venues at which you can see the Gypsy and Traveller site exhibition previously advertised here. During the consultation period, which runs until noon on Friday 9th October, there is a permanent exhibition at the district council offices in Cambourne offering information about potential site options and planning policies for Gypsy […]

Phoenix Trust Open Day

Phoenix Trust is a Milton based registered Charity and a Company limited by guarantee dedicated to helping disadvantaged adults and young people with learning difficulties by manufacturing concrete products for sale to the public. They are holding an Open Day on Saturday, 1st August from 10am to 3pm to coincide with their official cheque presentation […]

Sport in the Park

This Sunday (26/7) from 11am to 4pm Milton Country Park are holding their “Sport in the Park” event as part of the London 2012 Open Weekend. Come along to the park and try new activities: climbing, trampolining, golf, archery, cricket, yoga, athletics and more… Other attractions include: Displays and demonstrations from a variety of sports, […]

Neighbourhood Panel Meeting’s New Priorities

Tuesday’s police neighbourhood panel meeting set the following priorities for the next three months: Continue to tackle anti-social behaviour and nuisance Fromont Way, Humphries Way and Butt Lane in Milton Tackle nuisance motorists in Cottenham, anti social driving and parking issues around the Co-op Address concerns about the use of camp fires, litter and anti-social […]

Parish Council

Your parish council meets on Monday night (20/7) at 7:30am in the Bowls Pavilion. The full agenda and supporting documents is online here. Planning applications being considered in the village are: 1 High Street, change of use from residential to residential care home (for Cambridge Mencap) and the erection of a chimney at 16 Butt […]

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