Author: Paul Oldham

Car Boot Sale

A car boot sale is being held on Sunday, 18th October from 7am to 11am in the car park of the Lion and Lamb pub on the high street. It’s in support of Heidi and Diane’s walk along the Great Wall of China to raise money for the Heart 103 radio station charity Have a […]

Milton Country Park – Food, Farming and Countryside Day

Yesterday’s “Food, Farming and Countryside Day” event in the Country Park was a great success, helped by excellent weather. In the Visitor Centre the Milton Country Park Produce Show saw a wide variety of entries in all the categories. Clarke Brunt won the Cook Cup as the overall winner. Meanwhile outside a variety of stalls […]

Bandstand Marathon Event

Milton Country Park is hosting an event this Saturday (26/9) as part of a national Bandstand Marathon day of events. The event at the Park will focus more on making ‘music’ than on professional bands performing. Performances start at 1pm and will include brass bands, samba, swing jazz, acappella singing and woodwind, with the chance […]

Parish Council Maintenance Committee

Your parish council maintenance committee meets on Monday night at 7:30pm in the Bowls Pavilion. The full agenda is online here (Adobe/PDF, 78KB). Issues being discussed include the cemetery, allotments, Tomkins Mead, tree works elsewhere in the village, play equipment, and the village grass cutting contract. The issue of the proliferation of posters on lamp […]

Milton Country Park – Food, Farming and Countryside Day

This Sunday (27/9) from 11am to 4pm the Park are holding their “Food, Farming and Countryside Day” event, one of a series of keynote events this summer. The event will include sheep dog demonstration, locally reared meat, advice of keeping hens and ducks, and a variety of other stalls, as well as the Milton Country […]

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