Author: Paul Oldham

New Parish Councillors

Fourteen people have been nominated as candidates for Milton Parish Council so there will not be an election next month and the new council will probably co-opt another member later. They are: Name of Candidate Home Address CAMPBELL Alex 10 Ballard Close, Milton, Cambridge, CB24 6DW CHAMBERLIN David John The Rectory, 24 Church Lane, Milton, […]

Parish Council

Your parish council meets on Monday night (7/3) at the Bowls Pavilion (although this may be subject to late change to a larger venue if a representative from Stagecoach attends – see item on bus service changes) starting at 7:30pm. The full agenda can be found on their web site. In what looks like it […]

Parish Council

Your parish council meets on Monday night (4/4) at the Bowls Pavilion starting at 7:30pm. The full agenda can be found on their web site. Two planning applications are being considered in the village: Milton Parish Council Land to the east of the College of West Anglia – Change of Use from Agricultural Land to […]

Late Evening Bus to Stay

After last night’s meeting Richard Summerfield, chairman of Milton Parish Council, has just received an email from Stagecoach which says: Richard Following last nights meeting we have looked at the option of operating the 23.03 Citi 2 from the City centre to Milton. We have asked for a letter of support from the county council […]

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