Milton Village View summer issue

Hello Milton,

It is that time once again as we prepare for the next edition of the Milton Village View.

We would love articles about events, activities or topics relevant to Milton.

Our summer issue should be at your doorsteps just before the term lets out. So if you have any exciting summer plans or event you feel everyone should add to their calendar, do send it in. We will try to include in the diary dates.

You also have the opportunity for images you take around the village to be the next cover, so send in your best and proud work.

Important details to note:

1. Articles deadline is the 20th of June, 2024

2. Articles and images should be sent as an attachment and named in the format; Title-Author. This makes it easy to prevent possible errors.

3. Word count remains 250 words without any images and 150 words with an image.

In all cases, we may need to edit articles down to fit page format.

If you have any questions, suggestions or would like to send general feedback, email .

Many regards,

Editors, MVV