Early morning yoga in Milton

Early morning sessions on 6 weekly rolling basis. Ideal for those who would like to learn about yoga from scratch and for those who would like to find a regular practice time to fit in around a busy lifestyle. Classes will be part taught and part led to allow for a start to the day that meets the needs of students attending.

Each six week block will include the following:
Introduction to and practice of Classic Yoga Standing Sequence
Postural awareness – how to get fit by standing (on one leg and on 2 legs)
Core awareness – exercises to bring awareness and strength to trunk muscles
Breath awareness – exploring and developling breath techniques in yoga
Awareness of planes of movement through the body (sagittal, coronal, transverse, inverted)
Nervous system and parasympathetic nervous system (flight and fight or rest and digest)
Awareness of habitual patterns of movement and how to work with that
Relationship to gravity – find your touch points – learn how grounding the body may impact the way you feel.
An introduction to the philosophy behind the movement

If you would like to join please email strongsupplesound@gmail.com by Monday 19th February. You will then receive details to make payment and an enrollment form, with a brief questionnaire concerning physical activity readiness. If you prefer to inquire by phone please call or text 07855618414. Cost for the 6 weeks is £50.

Further details about me are at http://juliedaviesyoga.net/