Lancaster Visit This Saturday?

This isn’t entirely certain but in previous years at around this time the village has been “buzzed” by the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight Lancaster and we now think we know why: it was doing a fly past for the re-union of 514 Squadron who were based at RAF Waterbeach in the Second World War flying Lancasters.

Normally they have their re-union to coincide with the Queen’s official birthday as on that day the BBMF flight forms part of the RAF flypast during the Trooping of the Colour so the Lancaster can do a fly past of Waterbeach on the way down to London to its rendezvous point with the other aircraft in the flight.

We bring this up now as this year the Queen’s Official Birthday is this Saturday (13/6) so if the re-union have succeeded in booking the Lancaster and if it turns up then we may get a visit at some point during the day. So keep an ear open: those four Merlin engines are pretty unmistakeable once you’ve heard them once.

Update 11/06/15

It now turns out we’re going to get a Dakota instead.