A message from our new MP

I am delighted and honoured to have been elected as your local MP. Thank you to everyone who voted for me. But whether you voted for me or not I am here to help everyone in the constituency.

I am already working hard on my key priorities for Cambridgeshire: improving funding for our education, infrastructure, business support and healthcare. These were identified by many as some of the most important issues in the constituency. I want to thank everyone locally for helping me understand these important issues over the past year.

Over the summer I am meeting with as many residents and parish councils as I can across the constituency, and have extended an invitation to the Parish Council in Milton to host an open meeting. I hope I get the opportunity to meet with many of you soon. Please do feel free to contact me at any time, however; I am always happy to discuss any concerns you may have. If you would like a tour of the House of Commons I would happily arrange it. And if you would like me to keep you updated what I am doing locally please let me know. You can write to me at the House of Commons or email lucy.frazer.mp@parliament.uk.

It is a real privilege to have the opportunity to serve South East Cambridgeshire. I have received such a wonderful welcome and I look forward to visiting Milton again soon.