Consultation on new Bridge over the Cam

Consultation continues on draft proposals for a new bridge over the river Cam which may be of interest to villagers heading into Cambridge via the Haling Way and wanting to head east.

As part of the planned growth in Cambridge City, Cambridgeshire County Council is considering creating a new foot and cycle bridge next to the railway bridge. This will provide an alternative route to get to the Science and Business Parks as well as the new railway station.

New Cambridge proposals
map of the two possible locations of the bridge

An initial consultation was held in Summer 2014 following which Council Officers have been working with a group of local stakeholders to look at how this scheme may be successfully delivered.

The next of these stakeholder events is due to be held on the 25th February at Barnwell Baptist Church at 6pm and is open to the public. The event will comprise of a series of short presentations followed by some breakout sessions where there will be an opportunity to ask Project Officers questions.

A bridge is anticipated to cost over £4m and will be paid for by funds from the Department for Transport’s Cycle City Ambition, developer contributions and City Deal monies

For more information please see or contact the County Council’s Transport Delivery Team on or 01223 699906.