Funding Boost for Community Groups

A Community Chest grant fund, that has helped support community groups across South Cambridgeshire, has been topped up with another £10,000.

Local groups are being encouraged to hurry if they wish to apply for this funding. It’s allocated on a first come, first served basis and the next meeting to decide where the next round of funds should go will be held early in the New Year.

Two groups that have already benefited from this latest top up are Grantchester Parish Council, who received £1,500 towards the supply and planting of hedgerow along the bridleway to Barton, and Sawston Scene, who received £600 towards late night shopping events.

The funding is available to voluntary and community sector groups, charities and parish councils wishing to improve the quality of life for residents in South Cambridgeshire. Applicants can apply for up to £1,500 for:

  • Improvements to community facilities
  • Repairs to historic buildings/monuments/memorials
  • Tree and hedge planting schemes
  • Parish path schemes
  • Equipment and materials
  • Start-up costs

A total of £60,000 has already been awarded from the Community Chest fund this year to support a wide range of local projects, from the installation of new kitchen and toilet facilities at St Mary’s Church in Guilden Morden and the creation of a village green in Shelford to outdoor play equipment for a pre-school in Over and furniture for Willingham’s new youth venue.

Cllr Ray Manning, Leader of South Cambridgeshire District Council, said:

We are always pleased to be able to support local community groups who work so hard to deliver services for our residents. We understand that funding is becoming increasingly tough for the voluntary sector and hope our support will help to get local projects underway.

If you need some help with a particular project, apply straightaway – it would be a shame to miss out on money that is available.

Applications need to be in by Wednesday, 14th January. For full details about the fund and guidance on eligibility, visit