One Christmas gift you don’t have to wrap

Buy one gift you don’t have to wrap this Christmas – that is the message from East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices ( EACH) as they launch their virtual gift list ready for the festive season.

Fundraising teams across the region are always bowled over by the generosity of local people and businesses offering to send in gifts to the charity’s three hospices, here in Milton and in Ipswich and Quidenham, over the Christmas period.

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This year the charity is launching its first virtual gift scheme, allowing people to buy bespoke gifts that could really help with the care and support offered to children and young people with life-threatening conditions.

Melanie Chew, Director of Fundraising, said:

The generosity shown to children and young people receiving our care at this time of year from individuals, community groups and local businesses is truly overwhelming. We get inundated with gifts sent into the hospices and calls from people wanting to show their support. Due to the complex needs of the children and young people we care for the donated gifts aren’t always suitable, but with the virtual gift list, this isn’t the case as we can match the gift to the child or young person.

Our new virtual Christmas list will give people the opportunity to contribute towards bespoke, specifically designed gifts that will make a real difference to the children, young people and families we support over the festive season. In buying a bespoke gift, you’ll allow us to really make the most of your generosity and help the children we support in a truly unique way – for example, you could buy a present hand picked by our care team to meet an individual child’s needs or a Christmas craft session for the families that use our services.

People can either buy the full gift, or donate anything from £10 upwards towards something from our gift list. Any donation will help to make this Christmas special for the children and families we support. Everyone who makes a donation will receive a festive certificate to say a special thank you from everyone here at EACH.

Items on EACH’s virtual Christmas list include:

  • £10 for a Family Christmas meal at an EACH hospice
  • £20 for a bespoke present hand picked by the care team
  • £37 for an hour of relaxing Hydrotherapy
  • £74 for two sessions of festive Music Therapy
  • £100 for art supplies for twenty sessions of Christmas craft

To give your gift of any value from £10 upwards and to receive your festive certificate, please call your local fundraising team or visit quoting ‘Festive Gift’ when you donate.

The is also a poster you can download, print and display if you can find a suitable noticeboard.

Contact details for the EACH fundraising team running the campaign in Milton are: 01223 204916