MCP Community Orchard Project

Sarah Harris writes:

As some of you may know, Milton Country Park has an orchard situated on the Southern edge of the site. The trees were mainly planted in 2006 when the park was managed by South Cambridgeshire Council. Since Cambridge Sports Lakes Trust took over the park they have continued to maintain the orchard in its original format, however there is a real appetite for community involvement and a growing movement towards community orchards. There is some fantastic work being done locally, particularly at Trumpington and Histon which now have established community orchard projects. These sites are increasingly recognised as important areas for conservation and biodiversity. A community orchard project is an ideal way to protect these valuable places and create an area not just for wildlife but for everyone to enjoy.

Having discussed the future of the orchard with Mick Woolhouse from Cambridge Sports Lakes Trust I’m excited to announce that we have their full support to take on the orchard as a community orchard project.

The main purposes of this project would be as follows…

  • Better maintain and protect the orchard trees already at the site.
  • Protect and encourage wildlife to improve biodiversity at the site.
  • Expand the area with additional tree planting and the incorporation of a wildflower area.
  • Enclose the area to protect new planting from rabbits and muntjac deer – this will also create a more useable space for local groups, schools and families.
  • Create a space within the park which has more community input; where volunteers can take part in activities and events, come together and even make new friends while directly contributing to their local environment.

This is a really exciting project currently in the very early stages of planning. Funding will hopefully come from grants and the input of local businesses and as part of the grant application process it is important that there is community support.

What I would like to do now is ask anyone interested in being part of the MCP Community Orchard Project to email me directly at I am hoping to get a group of volunteers together who are willing to be involved in any aspect of the orchard, however much or little time and experience you have, and are looking for help in many different areas. For example…

  • Do you have a few occasional hours spare to dedicate to tree planting, pruning, weeding and general maintenance of the site?
  • Do you have a particular skill which could help us? It could be anything from specialised gardening, wildlife/fruit tree knowledge, fencing/hedge laying through to more creative skills like wood working, map design, artist’s drawings.
  • Are you a local school or children’s group who would like to use the site for educational purposes, possibly planting trees with children, conducting wildlife surveys, sowing seeds – or something just for fun like a wassailing event or apple pressing?
  • Do you know of a local business who might like to contribute to the project? Perhaps they could fund a particular item like a bench, fence, information board or sign? Or make a smaller contribution by sponsoring a tree? They could even arrange a staff event to volunteer their services by helping plant a hedge or do some weeding!

In whatever capacity you might like to help, however big or small, even if it’s just to pass on an idea or opinion I’d love to hear from you. Please also pass this on to anyone you know who might be interested.

Many thanks,

Sarah Harris
MCP Community Orchard Project