Hazard in Fen Road

Heather Davies reported via FixMyStreet this week that as a result of the potato harvesting there is now serious subsidence on the north side of Fen Road just before the level crossing. She writes:

Since they harvested the potatoes in the fields beyond the railway, there has been a new very deep bit of subsidence at the side of the road, on the left hand side as you are facing east. It’s actually about a foot lower than the centre of the road now. When it fills with water and someone unwittingly drives through it as they cannot see how deep the hole is, even at 20mph, they will ground their car and will damage it badly. Now I have reported it in a public domain, hopefully they will also note this and be able to gain recompense for the damage. The same goes for any cyclists or pedestrians injured in an accident on this bit of road.

So please be careful if you go that way and let’s hope the county council finally get around to sorting out that end of Fen Road soon!