Parish Council

Your parish council meets this Monday night (14/7) at the Bowls Pavilion starting at 7pm (note early start time). The agenda (Adobe/PDF, 59KB) can be found on their web site.

The following planning applications are being considered relating to properties in Milton village:

  • s/1339/14/fl – 22 Old School Lane, Milton – 2 Storey Extension to provide first floor accommodation with undercroft parking.
  • s/1560/14/fl – 9 Goding Way, Milton – Extensions – Two Storey Rear and Single Storey side.
  • Conservation Area – Milton Chiropractor – Two trees to be felled, Ash and Sycamore.

The meeting is beginning early as there is a guest speaker, Amy Wormald, talking about the Impington 75th Anniversary.

Among other things council will be discussing three names of people who have been put forward to fill the casual vacancies on the council, grant applications from Milton Hospice, 1st Waterbeach Guides, Action for Youth, and Milton Primary School and matters relating to North Lodge Park.