Dragons at Milton Country Park

Next Saturday, 17th May, at 2:30pm the Friends of Milton Country Park are holding their Annual General Meeting followed by an illustrated talk by David Chandler on “Dragons at Milton Country Park”, an introduction to the dragonflies and damselflies of Milton Country Park. It’s free and open to all.

David Chandler is a freelance writer and environmental educator. He is the author of a number of books including the RSPB Children’s Guide to Bird Watching.

The talk, which will take place upstairs in the Visitor Centre at the Park, will be followed by refreshments provided by the committee, and a short guided walk with David Chandler to hopefully see some of the Park’s dragonflies, weather and wildlife permitting.

The AGM is a chance to find out more about the Friends, what they’ve done in the last year, and what they would like to do in the coming year.

The talk is free to attend and you are welcome to bring children. Whilst it is not necessary to book, it would help the friends plan if you could let the chairman know if you intend to come by mailing chair@miltoncountrypark.org

You can also help publicise this event by downloading and printing their poster (Adobe/PDF, 124KB) if you have somewhere suitable where you could display it.