Making Homes More Energy Efficient

A consortium of Cambridgeshire councils including Cambridgeshire County Council and South Cambridgeshire District Council have secured almost £5.7m by the Department of Energy and Climate Change to help residents install insulation improvements to older and non-standard properties in the owner occupied and rental sectors.

The funding will provide grants to householders to significantly reduce the cost of insulating solid wall and steel framed properties. The scheme will be delivered by the local councils working in partnership with community partners and Green Deal providers to promote the scheme through a street by street process in targeted areas.

The areas identified will focus on the private rented sector, off gas households and conservation areas across Cambridgeshire which includes various houses in Milton. Typically, older and non-standard properties have been considered more expensive to insulate and the funding will provide an opportunity for residents to make improvements at a greatly reduced rate.

Residents will be required to make a contribution but by taking advantage of Green Deal Finance there are no up-front costs. Green Deal Finance provides the householder with a loan to cover the householder contribution which is paid back through the savings generated from having the insulation and any other energy saving measures installed. All other costs to have the insulation installed will be funded through existing Government funding streams and the Green Deal Communities fund.

There’s more details in this news release on the SCDC web site.

So the next step is to identify households which could benefit. If you think this could be you, or a neighbour, then you can pre-register your interest in the funding are asked to contact Action on Energy by visiting, or calling 0800 093 33 03. Further details on the scheme will be announced soon.