Milton Photographic Club

The next meeting of the club will be on Wednesday (19/2) at 7:45pm in the church hall. This will be a practical session on digital image processing. A number of unedited files will be provided and they will work in groups to produce final images, which will be shown at the end of the meeting. For this they will need 4 or 5 laptops with photo processing software (Photoshop, Elements, Gimp, Paintshop Pro .., whatever you have). If you can bring a laptop along, please let Duncan know.

All welcome. Please bring £2 as a contribution for use of the hall.

Also advance notice of the March meeting on Wednesday 19th, when there will be an external speaker, Lesley Maw, who will give a presentation on underwater photography. The club always like to have a good audience for their external speakers, so please mark the date in your diaries and try to come along if you can.