Planning Committee

Your parish council Planning Committee meets at 7pm on Monday (16/12) in the Bowls Pavilion. The parish council web site has the agenda online (Adobe/PDF, 108KB) online.

The following new applications are being considered relating to properties in Milton village:

  • c/11/40/072 – Milton Hall – London plane tree to rear of Milton Hall – reduce crown by 25%.
  • s/0467/13/cm – Chesterton Rail Freight Sidings, Chesterton Junction, Cowley Road, Cambridge CB4 0DL – proposed reconfiguration and consolidation of the existing minerals processing and transfer operation including the installation of covered mineral storage bays, alterations and
    extensions to existing feeder unit. New office, welfare and workshop buildings, reconfiguration of site circulation and parking area, new boundary fencing and other works associated with relocating rail sidings to serve the mineral processing site.

  • s/2274/13/fl – 8 High Street, Milton – Erection of a dwelling.
  • s/2359/13/fl – 34 Froment Way, Milton – extension of house to join existing outbuilding.
  • s/2463/13/ld – 3 Coulson Close, Milton – Single storey side/rear extension – opportunity to provide any relevant local information to assist SCDC in considering this application for a Lawful Development Certificate.
  • s/2570/13/fl – 5 Old School Lane, Milton – Two storey side extension.