eBook upgrade for Cambridgeshire Libraries

A recent upgrade has given a new look and feel to the eBook service search facility and navigation – making it much easier to use.

There’s now quick catalogue access meaning customers do not need to login to browse titles and the option to preview a title before downloading it. Customers can also create a wish list of favourite titles and access a link to Project Gutenberg which offers over 40,000 free eBooks to download.

Cambridgeshire County Council’s Cabinet Member for Learning, Councillor David Harty said

Many of these improvements have been the result of customer feedback – and we’d really encourage our library users to keep providing their comments. The eBook service is free to use if you are a library member and you can download eBooks onto your computer, eBook reader, tablet or smartphone.

It’s worth noting that the library service lend books in the open ePub format (although with DRM), and not in Kindle format, although you can put an ePub reader on Kindle Fire tablets.