New Crossing Controls at A14/Fen Ditton Junction

Construction starts on Monday (7/10) to improve safety for pedestrians and cyclists at the A14/B1047 Horningsea/Fen Ditton interchange which is used by some village cyclists heading for east Cambridge via the Baits Bite crossing.

The work will include:

  • upgrading the traffic lights for road traffic,
  • installing toucan crossings for cyclists and pedestrians,
  • reconfiguring the foot and cycle path crossing over the slip roads,
  • resurfacing part of the B1047.

The work will require traffic management with variable lane closures, taking into account peak traffic. For some of the work the contractor will need to close the slip roads, which will only be carried out overnight. The construction is expected to take around six weeks to complete at a cost of up to £275,000 paid by the Cycle Safety Fund.

The new toucan crossings will help pedestrians and cyclists to cross the slip roads in safety.