Harvesting down Fen Road

The College of West Anglia are expecting the crop of maize in the field east of the railway line to be harvested next week. Frances Cook writes:

As you may have noticed we have rented out some land down Fen Road for the growing of maize for bio fuel. Today we have received notification from the contractors (Pretoria Energy) that they are expecting to harvest it during the middle/end of next week. There will be some tractor activity and traffic during this time and we have been in contact with Pretoria Energy to remind their drivers to be considerate and cautious of the residents. They have a full time sweeper on a tractor to sweep the mud off the road.

Pretoria Energy have thousands of acres of maize to harvest across East Anglia and thus are working their machines 24/7, as a result it may be possible that they will harvest ours during the night.

If there are any problems relating to this matter then please do not hesitate to contact me at any time on my mobile 07787 103925 or speak to Pretoria Energy directly, the contact is Pretoria Lee and her mobile number is 07825 239130, office number is 01353 648000.