Warning to River Cam users

The Environment Agency and the Conservators of the River Cam have warned people not to use a stretch of river this week while work is done to increase oxygen levels in the water for fish.

Earlier this week, around 300 fish were found dead in the River Cam near Milton. The cause of the deaths is still being investigated, but it is known that oxygen levels are low in the river.

Hydrogen peroxide will be put into the water between Baits Bite Lock and Upware to boost oxygen levels on Thursday 1st August and Friday 2nd August – and people are being urged to stay away from the stretch as the work could cause skin irritation.

Kye Jerrom, Fisheries Officer for the Environment Agency said:

The recent spell of hot weather may have caused problems in rivers and lakes across the area, as warm water holds less dissolved oxygen and can kill fish.

Our teams have been working round the clock recently to increase oxygen levels in many rivers and lakes to stop fish from dying.

If anyone sees signs of fish in distress in rivers and lakes then please report it to our 24 hour incident hotline on 0800 80 70 60.

Signs will also be put up along the affected stretch of river and the Conservators of the River Cam will be out warning river users about the work.

Colin Sparkes from the Conservators of the River Cam said:

It is a shame people are being denied access to the river between these two points but it is essential that these works are carried out for the well being of the fish stocks.

Hydrogen peroxide works by reacting with organic matter in water to produce oxygen and water, so the river will be safe to use once oxygen levels have been restored.