Parish Council

Your parish council meets on Monday night (2/9) at the Bowls Pavilion starting at 7pm (note early start time). The full agenda (Adobe/PDF, 212KB) can be found on their web site.

The meeting is starting early because Sgt Paul Rogerson is attending to give update on policing and priorities (re-scheduled from July meeting).

The following planning applications are being considered relating to properties in Milton village:

  • s/1681/13/fl – Tesco Stores Ltd, Cambridge Road, Milton – Proposed customer collection pod & canopy.

The council will be considering a proposal to co-opt Anna Bradnam as a new parish councillor.

Other items being discussed include a proposed new skatepark, a working party to make recommendations for future open space/community facility projects, issues relating to the cemetery, possible locations for a dual use re-cycling bin, whether the council should promote ShapeYourPlace, gritting routes, and the recent sewage works smell.

The council also has to agree responses for the:

  1. SCDC draft Local Plan
  2. SCDC Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) draft charging schedule
  3. Cambridge County Council draft transport strategy for Cambridge and South

Two of which we’ve been highlighting here on Milton News for the last few weeks and you may want to comment on yourself.