July heralds the start of Cambridge Open Studios, which is when over 200 local artists open their studio doors to the public. This year illustrator and printmaker Alison Hullyer can be found in Hall End on the weekends of 13th – 14th and 20th – 21st July from 11am until 6pm.
Follow the yellow flags to see her large range of work. She will be showing new drypoint prints inspired by patterns in nature, including stylised seed heads, quirky flowers and boats. Prints are available framed and unframed. Also this year she has new screen printed tea towels featuring long tailed tits in silver birch trees and goldfinches perched on cow parsley. She has added new designs to her popular range of coasters and continues to offer a large selection of her cards and wrapping paper published by Phoenix Trading and Green Pebble. There will demonstrations of techniques and a quiz for children.
Why not make a day of it and visit other open studios in the area, there are studios open in Landbeach, Waterbeach, Cottenham and Histon as well as all over Cambridge. You can pick up free guides, which include a map showing locations and which weekends they are open, from the Post Office, Community Centre and many other places.