Milton Photographic Club

This month’s meeting of the club will be on Wednesday (19/6) at 7:45 pm in the church hall. The main topic for the evening will be preparation for the club exhibition. Hopefully Stephen will be able to bring along a mock-up of the majority of the photos planned to be exhibited.

There will be also be a show and tell on the evening. This is your last chance to bring along images you would like to be considered for the exhibition. The subject is open, but as always it would be good to see more pictures taken in Milton and the surrounding area. Bring images on the night or email in advance to

All welcome. Please bring £2 as a contribution for use of the hall.

The exhibition itself is at the Milton Village Fayre on Saturday, July 13th. The club will need volunteers to help set up the stall in the morning and man it during the day. If you would like to help and can’t make it to the meeting, please let the club know via their mailing list.